Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Dave and I have been wanting to make doughnuts for the restaurant. His first try with them flopped and I tried them once at camp a few years ago and didn't have much luck either. I was itching to bake today and Dave was kind enough to bring some yeast to the restaurant. Doughnuts it was!

Since I didn't have a doughnut recipe, I had to use one from a recipe site. I must admit, this one was extremely delicious and easy to make. Surprisingly easy, actually.


1 1/4C to 4 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 package Active dry yeast
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 cup very hot tap water
1 egg, at room temperature

Mix only 1 1/4C flour with the sugar, salt, and yeast. (You'll add the rest of the flour in a bit)
Slowly add butter
Add hot water
Mix mix mix.
Add the egg.
Add flour in 1/2 C at a time until your dough is soft and not sticky. (You WONT use the full 4 cups of flour)
Put in a greased/oiled bowl, cover, and let rise until doubled in a warm non windy environment.

After doubled in size, barely knead it until it forms a nice even ball. Place it on a floured surface and using a rolling pin, roll the dough out into a big square/circle. Make it thin---as in 1/4 or 1/8 inch thickness. (You will let the dough double in size again...too thick of dough will make the doughnut burnt on the outside and undone in the middle when you fry them). Cut out shapes using a cup, cookie cutters, or a doughnut cutter (if you're fancy pants mcgee and have that lying around your house). Place cut doughnuts on an ungreased cookie sheet and let double in a non windy environment.

When doubled, fry at 350-370F in oil until a tad brown on both sides *you'll need to turn them* They'll cook fast!

Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over them immediately after taking them out of the frying pan.


These little guys are SO delicious. They are delicately sweet, have that yeasty homemade dough taste, and are light and taste better than those you'd buy at the store.

I haven't quite figured out a glaze for them yet. Soon!

Other than doughnuts, I baked a lemon pound cake *it wasn't really full of lemony goodness... made me sad.* the recipe only called for 1/2C lemon juice... it just doesn't taste as lemony as I like it. Oh well. My plan is to make this lemon pound cake the crust for my blueberry cheesecake. I think they'd make a good match!

Onto other news--- I tried a couple new cheesecake recipes. One using 3 pounds (yes. three.) of cream cheese. I adjusted the eggs, sugar, and cream. All the same, the cheesecake was not what I expected. It tasted too much like cream cheese. It did not cut well after cooled or even frozen. It chunked off. I was not impressed. I think 2 pounds of cream cheese is my limit.

I also tried a completely different recipe using sour cream and milk, and different ratios of ingredients than I usually use. This cheesecake cracked and sank down after baking. I will taste it tomorrow to make sure it is delicious as usual. We'll see.

I suppose I could just alter flavors and spices in my cheesecake recipe I already have tried and tested.

Have a splendid day!

And i am stinky, becuase i like to cook, poop! hahhahaah! poop i say! el oh el. 2 pounds of sugar make me very very gidddddy, and sometimes i think i might fall asleeeeeeep. Roger roger, mountain man on the way! Call in the cooks, its going to be a new day!

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