Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Camo Tank Cake

I have a birthday party coming up for which I'll be making a camo Army tank cake. I'm so excited! I'll be making my own marbled camo marshmallow fondant and sculping the cake to look like the tank. If only I could make it shoot or move on it's own....

My homemade vanilla bean extract is still doing great. It gets a deeper and richer amber color every day I see it, it seems.

Also, in other news, COUPONING!

I bought all of these things (a $46 dollar value) for $6.50.

I received all these for free--in fact, the store owed me about $0.60 after all was said and done. I doubt I'll ever need toothpaset again this year or next.

I'll be happy to tell you how I did it-- comment if you'd like to know more!

Have a fantastic day today, friend!