Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Raw food and Paleo?

Any raw foodies out there?

Caveman eaters?

I've been eating paleolithic foods for the past 3 weeks with great success--- I feel so energized and focused. I've lost excess weight and have broken the bonds I've made with food! Funny isn't it, coming from a person who loves to bake sugary sweets?!

Paleolithic eating is fruits, veggies, lean meats, and some nuts. No grains, no dairy, very few eggs. I realize this is the version I am doing and there are lots of variations. I've found that dairy and grains are my problem.

Life is about connections. I'm tired of connecting only with food. I would eat when I was happy. Eat when I was sad. Eat all the time. Enough! I've been able to make so many more connections and attachments with my emotions by breaking away from food and what I had tied to it.

Give raw food or paleolithic foods a try!