Saturday, December 31, 2011

Zombie Brain Cake

AMC is holding a Walking Dead marathon on New Years Eve (Today). I fought a mental battle for the longest time of whether or not to watch this show. People were raving about it and I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon so quickly when it comes to TV shows or new products.

One late night, Sam and I were looking for a movie to watch. I was in no mood for anything, really. Just something good. Sam suggested The Walking Dead and I grudgingly agreed.

"One episode, Sam. I'm not gonna get wrangled into this crap."

"Okay. Just one."

"I'm tellin' ya.. it's gonna be like every other zombie movie or show out there--lame and overdone."

"Okay, just one episode!"

Three episodes later....

My eyes are glued on the TV, fully engrossed in the show.

Could it be?!


It's a show I enjoy AND it includes zombies!

So. Now that AMC is hosting a marathon of ALL the episodes, Sam and I realized we had to throw a Walking Dead marathon Zombie party.

For this party, I made bacon wrapped smokies (crusty stubby toes), Zombie brain cake, Puree of zombie brain (salsa), and zombie blood (strawberry lemonade) along with some oreos (kneecaps) and cheetos (sunburnt pinkies).

Here's the zombie brain cake!

I started off by baking two large chocolate cakes in two separate springform pans. They are thick and sturdy!

I layered them together with some pink buttercream in between. I didn't do it all in the center as I knew I'd be shaving away those sides pieces to form the brain.

Covered the two layers of chocolate cake with a bright pink crusty frosting.

Time to start forming the brain! I used a light pink buttercream in a plastic baggy with a hole cut in the corner, and started making zigzag type swirls all over.

It needed to look a bit more gooey, so I mixed light corn syrup with pink food color (red would work too) and drizzled just a bit on the cake. Wonderful!


I look forward to making another one of these cakes in the future. It was just TOO much fun. After I was finished making this, I exclaimed "This has got to be the coolest thing I've made in my life!" Sam just laughed. It's probably not THE coolest, but it sure ranks up there.

Have a WONDERFUL new year! Accomplish all your goals and I know I will enjoy creating more delectable treats!