Tuesday, January 25, 2011

German Chocolate Cupcakes...to the MAX!

Oh yum.

Yum yum...


I am not a coconut person. I am also not a nut person. However, when I finished assembling these German Chocolate Cupcakes, I was surprised that I found them DELICIOUS.

A rut, I was in. It was time to bake something other than peanut butter frosting topped chocolate cupcakes. Sure, they're tasty and a breeze to make, but I wanted a challenge! I asked a coworker if she liked cupcakes and what kind I should make for her. She said "German Chocolate is my favorite cake!" That was a lead enough for me.

After creating the chocolate cake batter---delicately folding in the egg whites after making sure not to whip the batter too hard for fear of chocolate goodness spilling all over the counter---I poured a smidgeon into each cupcake liner and baked for about 15 minutes. The past few times I've baked cupcakes they've been a tad dry, so I took them out right when the knife came out 90% clean. They shrunk a bit but no one will know with all that good coconut/pecan frosting I added!

I hope you enjoy making this recipe as much as I did. It was a nice change from the usual chocolate cake.

German Chocolate Cake
(adapted from myhomecooking.net

1 (4-oz.) pkg Baker's German Chocolate baking bar

1/2 cup boiling water

1 cup butter (softened)

2 cups sugar

4 egg yolks

4 eggs whites

1 teaspoon Vanilla

2 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup buttermilk

1. Add the chocolate to the boiling water and let sit while you assemble the next part.

2. Whip the butter and sugar until incorporated and add the egg yolks and vanilla.

3. In another bowl (stand mixer if you have it) whip the egg whites until very stiff.

4. Using a whisk, whisk the chocolate/boiling water mixture until smooth and creamy. Add into the butter/sugar mix.

5. Add the baking soda and salt to the sugar/butter mix.

6. Alternate pouring into the sugar/butter mix between the buttermilk and flour.

7. Slowly fold the egg whites into the chocolate batter and pour into cupcake liners.

8. Bake at 350 for a little over 15 minutes.

German Chocolate Frosting

6oz Evaporated Milk (half a can)

2/3 cup sugar

1/4 cup butter

1 egg

1. Boil all those ingredients and then take off the heat. Let cool for a few minutes.

2 tbsp vanilla

dash of cinnamon

1 + 1/3 cup coconut shavings

1/2 cup pecans (chopped)

2. Stir in the second set of ingredients into the first. Let cool. Spoon over the tops of the cupcakes.

Now.... I like to add a few sprinkles of cinnamon and almond extract to all my chocolate recipes. This sets off the chocolate perfectly. Experiment! If you'd like, whip up some heavy cream and sugar to make homemade 'cool whip' and dollop on top. Add a single pecan sticking up or laying flat on top. You have a dainty quick treat! YUM!

Remember--- never be afraid to try something new. Add a dash of cinnamon to chocolate! Try almond extract in your everyday cookie or cake recipes! Go crazy and let your imagination be your guide. If you fail, only you'll know. No one is grading you or going to tell you that you're wrong. Go for it!

Have a wonderful day, friend!

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