Sunday, May 30, 2010

A heavier Thought

This post isn't about food but something a bit more weighty.

My heart is broken tonight.

An acquaintance notified me she got an abortion just 4 days ago.

I only heard her talk about how she couldn't afford another baby (she already has 2).

The only alternative to abortion that I know of is adoption- to have the baby and then give it up for adoption. I don't know much about that process. Is it costly or too difficult to go through the adoption process when you want to give up your baby?

My thought is that there MUST be some sort of program in action that is accessible to women and families of all financial backgrounds as well as religious and circumstantial.

I was thinking to myself about how 'radical' Christians protest abortion clinics and how Christians are notorious for being anti-abortion. Are those Christians then pro-preventive abortion? We must have the tools and know the right contacts when a situation like this arises.

What kind of love is it when Christians and "believers" protest abortion clinics and shun women who make the decision to abort? I believe all life should be cherished. I also believe it is our job as an obedient follower of Christ to take care of women and families in struggling situations, especially ones considering abortion.

I found a pregnancy service center here in the Springs for which I'm currently filling out a volunteer application. The way I see it, a program such as a pregnancy service center (which is also a Christian ministry. When are they not?) would obviously have many options and avenues available for expectant mothers who might be scared, nervous, or considering abortion. I would like to be a part of something like that. I would like to learn the inner workings of 'the system' and more specifically if the positive options alternate to abortion are accessible and a simple process (a process that a person can easily grasp and attain rather than being piled with paperwork and legalities).

I've never been close to anyone who has had an abortion. I'm not even close to the friend that told me of her recent news. All the same my heart clenched and mourned the baby who was lost. To save a life, would you or someone you know consider adoption? I don't know how it would have been possible for sam and I to pay for the pregnancy and adoption fees of the baby, just so the baby could live. Of course I understand this is not my burden to bear, but to what ends would you travel to save a baby?

As I said before this is a bit weighty for a food blog. I hope you don't mind. A baker needs to get her hands out of the dough somedays just like we need a daily dose of reality to stir us to action and love.

Have a grand week, dear friend.

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