Thursday, January 13, 2011

Equation for a perfect cupcake.

Before we begin, LOOK!

I painted that last night. Grand, eh? It started out as a blue and yellow mess but I turned it into a grand picture. I'm quite proud of it.


Moving on!

Good morning, friends! The sun is shining, people are scurrying about the streets, and it's definitely time to bake some sweets.
A few days ago, I made some chocolate cupcakes with a mild peanut butter frosting and topped off with a reese's peanut butter cup. They sure were a hit! The cupcake as a whole as darling and tasted exceptionally great. The peanut butter frosting complemented the dark chocolate cupcake but didn't overpower it. And of course...who doesn't love the reese's pb cup on top?!

Making this cupcake got me thinking about other possibilities. The basic mathematical for a darling cupcake is X+Y+Z = AMAZING cupcake, with quantity X>Y+Z (where X = cupcake, Y = frosting, and Z = topping).

I simply made my basic chocolate cake recipe, filled cupcake liners halfway full, and then let them cool after about 10 minutes of baking. I then assembled my most delicious and not so nutritious peanut butter frosting and piped it on top in a swirly motion. Finally, I plopped a mini reese's pb cup on top of a little mound of frosting in the center.

One could easily replace chocolate cake with funfetti cake, carrot cake, or what not! Same with the frostings and toppings. Why not try a carrot cake cupcake, mild cream cheese frosting with a candied nut sticking up out of the top? How about a german chocolate cake cupcake with a sweet buttercream frosting (coconut mixed in) and a cherry on top?

* long, drawn out pause inserted here *


I pulled 24 cupcakes out of the oven and man do they look good! I switch between chocolate cake recipes and I must say that these little mini cakes taste better than the ones I made a few days ago! It's all in the wrist...

I hope you find yourself busy with cupcakery and having a great time! Don't forget to share your plunder! A little bit of love, thoughtfulness, and a cupcake can go a long way.

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