Thursday, April 22, 2010

Air Force is like Kansas Weather

I swear...

When we moved from Kansas, I thought we were leaving behind the crazy and unpredictable weather. One moment it's raining, another moment it's 95 degrees and blistering. Turns out that the Air Force isn't much different. One minute you are serving as usual, the next you are told you must get out in two months due to over-manning of positions, and the next minute after that, they wave their hands in the air and say "Whoops...just kidding. You're still in." Needless to say, Sam and I have been through an emotional rollercoaster the past week.

We thought we were going to be forced out of the Air Force. We made plans, convinced ourselves this would be a positive and great change for us, and we were excited to move back to Kansas. I was excited to start a cake business and Sam was stoked to retrain to a different job and have a bit of free time.

Now it looks as though we are still in the Air Force. Back to life as usual. I'm a bit put out, to be honest. All those dreams of owning a house with some land, baking cakes in Kansas and spending more time with my families has been shot down. I still have a job at the restaurant and Sam is still serving the country.

I can't help but feel a bit sad. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that things won't change, that we won't have to move, and that Sam and I still have steady jobs.'s like that little glimmer of sunshine that teases you behind the clouds of a rain storm. It tickles your face and you have to chase it around the yard until it leaves the boundaries of your grass and street, soon to fly off into the sunset. Oh well. So is life, right?

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